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2024 NICA Board of Directors Nominations

NICA is currently accepting nominations for next year’s Board of Directors election. We have extended the deadline for Board election nominations to September 20th in the hopes that you will see each other, encourage each other to run for the Board, or maybe even run yourself. Joining NICA’s Board offers many opportunities to have your voice heard, connect with other professionals in the Fair industry, and to further the cause of NICA. If you need more information, please call (813) 438-8926 or email us today!

Nominations must be received in the NICA Office by September 20, 2024. 

    1. What is the single most important challenge facing Concessionaires today?
    2. As a Board Member, how would you help overcome this challenge?
    3. Where do you see NICA in five years?
    4. What would you plan to help NICA get there?

You must email, mail, or fax all nomination materials listed above to the NICA office at 1043 E. Brandon Blvd., Brandon, FL 33511, via fax to (813) 803-8460, or via email to

*Required signatures may be gathered either in person, by email, or by fax; due to the differing methods involved, additional signature sheets will be accepted.

Download the Election Nomination Form, Statement of Commitment & Code of Ethics below:

Election Nomination Form

Statement of Commitment

Code of Ethics

NICA's 2023 Board of Directors Election Results

Thank you to all those who voted! Each newly elected Board Member will start their term beginning in February 2024. We thank all Voting Members and Board Nominees for their participation in this year’s election! The Director Elects are: Brandy Arredondo, CCE, Noel's Foods; Sandy Class, CCE, Tavern at the Park; and Phil Delahoyde, Extreme Food and Beverage.

Brandy Arredondo, CCE, Noel's Foods

Being fifth generation i the fair industry, I grew up out on the road. At age 18 I knew I wasn’t just born into our industry and here temporarily, it’s where I was meant to be and went all in. Together my husband and I own and operate Noel’s Foods, Inc while raising our two children, the next generation. Our route includes small, medium and large fairs and events throughout California.

I have been on the NICA West Council since January of 2020 and became the West Council Ex-Officio in January of 2022. In 2020, I received my CCE, Certified Concessionaire Executive title. I regularly attend convention and workshops hosted by NICA, OABA, IAFE and WFA along with participating in fundraising events for the different organizations.

The past few years have been hard, but that never stopped us from pushing and moving forward. I believe the next generation should have a voice because our youths have been by our sides the entire time and have different perspectives. Communication is a significant factor in our Industry and I know this due to the struggle and complete chaos without it. Whether it’s about supplies, register issues, or customer service, you need to be able to talk to and understand your peers, coworkers, employees, and business partners. When it comes to the Fair Industry, it is important to support and help all the hard-working people around us when they need it. Concessionaires, Commercial Vendors, Carnival Operators, and Fair Staff work long hours and often come across some unpredictable situations and events; yet, they still manage to pull off perfect customer service and food quality or outstanding entertainment.

It would be an honor to be elected as a NICA Board Member and serve my “Fair Family” in more leadership capacities when dealing with issues facing our members and the Fair Industry. I am committed to helping improve our industry for the better and “Together We Can!”

Sandy Class, CCE, Tavern at the Park

If elected, I will bring honesty and integrity to the NICA organization and to the board. Will continue see the Industry succeed in our ever-changing world. We are show people with a business that contains viable interests. Whether it’s a storefront, a franchise, or contracts with a mobile unit on wheels, we all possess a business with assets. As we move forward with the younger generation, it is important that we continue to nurture those that want to carry on in an industry that has given so much to me.

My sister, Beth and I currently own and operate a permanent stand at the Wisconsin State Fair, offering cold beer, food and live entertainment. My passion for this industry is rich within my heritage and one that I am very proud of.

I will continue to work with the Board and Fair Management to gain knowledge on both sides for a better understanding of how they think and the way us concessionaires think. I currently serve on the IAFE Board as an Associate Director at large. I have attended the Wisconsin Fair Federation meeting, Illinois State Convention as well our NICA Marketplace, NICA Business Expo and the IAFE Convention.

In my most recent years on the board, we achieved many milestones. The C-6 Scholarship Foundation and the awesome board of directors that guide and help make that foundation what it is today. In my early years serving on the board I served on the scholarship committee, reshaping the evaluation and scoring process. I also implemented a CCE lapel pin that could be worn proudly at functions and events. I have hosted numerous NICA Events at fairs and have continued to support the current board that has done some amazing things. They are a great group of people that I miss, so if I am elected then guess what? I’m back!

If you ask any NICA Member, hands down, all of you would say, ‘Yes!’ We are Show people doing what we do best—putting smiles on millions of faces when the Fair rolls in to town. At the end of the rainbow, I will guide and pass on tenacity and strength to the next generation of our young entrepreneurs.

Phil Delahoyde, Extreme Food and Beverage

I am the owner of Extreme Food and Beverage and I live in Ukiah, a small town in Northern California. I was born and raised there, and I grew up working in my father’s Concession and Catering company. It is what I have done my entire life.

I have been married for thirteen years to my wife Ania and I have two children, Zoe and Cruz. I started Extreme Food and Beverage in 2005 and purchased Five Star Catering in 2018. My wife and I currently have 14 trailers and serve a variety of menus. We play about 28 events in California and Oregon as well as a having the onsite contract for the Marin Center for the Performing Arts near San Francisco and the Onsite Food at the Chris Beck Arena at the Sonoma County Fair. This year I started a new company with Rock Star Graphics and Wraps, catering to all graphic design and embroidery needs.

The COVID years have taught us we could make money separately. Food and Beverage Vendors participated in Fair Food Drive-Thru events all over the states; Carnivals ran in parking lots and at church events; and Fairs found new ways and reasons to rent out their facilities. I want to stress how notable it is that our businesses all survived the Pandemic without coming together for a real Fair; yet, when we all came together to present a full Fair in the years since, the synergy has increased. Fairs are not just a Food Court, or a Carnival, or a Livestock Show, or a Competition, or an Entertainment Stage; we are a production, put on by many entities. When we all come together to produce a true Fair, we all benefit. What we have to offer our communities is more than just a great show; it’s an opportunity to create memorable moments. If re-elected, I will continue work hard with the Board and Councils to meet the needs of the NICA Membership.

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